Monday, July 13, 2009

Activity Impact

What activity made the most impact on your perception of what it takes to be a good leader?


  1. The birthday activity where everyone had to get in order by age and birthday really had the biggest impact on my perception of a good leader. I knew that communication was very important but I didn't actually realize its value.

  2. The cup game made the most impact on me. It really showed that you need teamwork and leadership skills to complete. It makes you relize that everyone in the group needs to contribute to the project to accomplish it successfully.

  3. I think that organizing yourself by birthday had the most impact on my perception of what it takes to be a good leader because it was the most challenging and someone HAD to step forward and organize the people.

  4. I think that the activity that made the most impact of what it takes to be a good leader was the birthday activity. It was really hard to get it right, and it showed the importance of a leader being able to communicate.

  5. The cups had the most impact on me because I saw how important it was for someone to step up and be the leader. We all had a part in the process and we all had to work together. It was the leaders job to make sure everyone was on the same page and worked well together.

  6. I think the cup stacking activity had a good impact on me; it allowed me to see how you can't do everything yourself. I enjoy working by myself on a lot of things, and would usually prefer to do so, but the cap game showed me that team work can help get work done faster and easier, especially when everyone cooperates.

  7. The activity that had the most impact on me was the birthday activity. The way it showed how someone needs to be a leader and organize things in confusing and frustrating situations.

  8. The activity that required the most leadership was probably the activity where people had to line up in order from youngest to oldest because it requried everyone to be thinking as one so a leader had to be able to bring everyone's attention so they could understand the leader.

  9. The cup staking one because everyone had to do it or you wouldn't be able to do it.

  10. The cup activity showed team work. It made things alot easier if one person took charge and explained step by step how to complete the task.
